# 0 surrendering to the void (5/18/23)

i have been running my entire life, i have never known what it feels like to stand still. i know that i am not the only one who knows this experience. even now, as i embark on a 4-month hiatus from working and schooling, i feel the need to stay busy and make meaning. and so, with this opportunity to dance with stillness I am excited to surrender into the void of my inner world, even if just for a moment daily. this open space is where i will return to hold my thoughts, my feelings, my musings, my yearnings, my grief, my hopes, my dreams, my poetry, my art. here, i seek to bare my soul in such a harsh world that at times appears to operate solely in an effort to armor me up so much that I suffocate. ceasing to exist while still breathing. as a 26 year old Black woman living in the United States of America, as my therapist often remarks "well, Danielle, it makes sense your Black ass is tired," when giving me my regular bout of encouragement on why it's necessary to prioritize my mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual well-being by enforcing boundaries with toxic folks, institutions, and structures. that is why, this is a place of no expectation. here, i grant myself the permission to unapologetically express myself as messily as I authentically am, and i welcome those who choose to take this ride with me. thank you for your support and engagement. i have had this online domain for well over a year, titled after my IG @im.possible_deliberately, and yet it has taken the unexpected loss of my older sister, Mercedes Nicole Brown, at 27 years old (6/20/95 - 5/3/23) to understand the urgency of what it means to live without hesitation, because truly any moment can be our last. quoting Black feminist Patricia Hill Collins, "my concern now lies in finding effective ways to use the voice that I have claimed while I have it." thank you for giving me the courage to take the leap big sis. my blog is dedicated to you. 

until next time, with Love, the DLB


Christoff said…
Hi Danielle, so excited to see your blog come to fruition! I am very proud of you and you continue to amaze me with your strength and courage. This is a beautiful dedication to Mercedes!