#25 1st Wedding Anniversary (6/12/23)


Galactic sea monsters escape...mission --> DESTROY PARADISE, 2021

Q) When someone asks me...so how do you know that he's the one? (2021)

His smile beams the brightest when I am doing something that makes me happy, messily, and uninhibited, like sitting in a field of paints, journals, and books, and I look over to his entire Being beaming with me, through me.

He says he can't do art. That it's the only class he got a D mark in and almost failed, and yet to me, you would never know it. "Keep the color palette bright colors," he says, "it reminds me of a galactic sea monster." And so, neon bright colors it is, thank you for the help honey bun.  

Cheers to one-year Christoff. Thank you for teaching me more about what it means to unconditionally love every day and for embracing this ever-evolving spiritually creative side of me wholeheartedly. Ich liebe dich.  

 until next time, with Love, the DLB


Christoff said…
This post gets me every time :-)
Thank you for a great anniversary celebration!