#35 meaning making in difficult times (6/23/23)

My husband paid me a nice compliment this morning. "I admire your meaning making in this moment." I genuinely appreciated his statement and thought that this idea of meaning making would be a good thing to touch upon here on my blog. 

It is easy to feel that meaning making is indulging in toxic positivity where one ignores the past violences and current woundings to feel better about the past, in the present and about the future. 

However, to me, meaning making is not about ignoring the past, it is about consciously making your own autonomous decision about how you wish to co-create with all that is coming up in your world. It is about owning your version of the story by living the narrative that you desire to see flourish—internally and externally, within and all around you. 

When we are living in a society that is built for the vast majority of us to operate in survival mode, meaning making is one of the most ancient nervous system regulation techniques for creating a sustainable way for you to thrive anyways. 

I embrace meaning making because I have gotten to a point in my life that it is no longer about what I need, want, or desire. But what I deserve. And to build a life in which I deserve I have to honor my intrinsic value by choosing to see the beauty in all things, even those I would prefer to have gone differently, and then act accordingly based upon what most maintains my self-sovereignty.

until next time, with Love, the DLB
