#50 The power of a reframe: Leo new moon reflections (8/18/23)

The New Moon in Leo took place on August 16th, 2023, at 2:38 am PDT, conjunct Black Moon Lilith and squaring Uranus. We are also going through a Venus retrograde at the moment, with a Venus cazimi on August 13th, 2023. Radical changes are here in matters related to the heart screams in the air. 

Leo New Moon affirmations: 

"Say yes to anything that lights you up inside." 
New Moon mantra, @spiritdaughter on IG

"I am no longer accessible to others manipulation and projections." 
Aquarius Bad Vibes reading, Rebel Wolf Healing, YouTube 

Song: Bad by Bishop Briggs 

After lying in bed for about 30 minutes awake contemplating life, I looked at my phone exactly at 2:38 am PDT, the peak time of the Leo New Moon, and wrote the bulk of this post, before heading out for a sunrise stroll.


As I lay here at 2 am. with the Leo new moon energies potent in the air, the message "Live. Fully. Now." came through quite strongly. 

When I asked myself, what does it mean to live fully in the present moment? The reply was "to honor one's whole story." 

A sense of calm contentment washed over me. This is how you should feel when you've integrated both your light (conscious/known) and dark (unconscious/subconscious/hidden) aspects. At peace, knowing you're being true to oneself by honoring your full being, not just the parts you deem most likable or happen to express most often. In doing so, the shame that comes with lower vibrational frequencies lose their power over you, and before one's eyes, destructive rigid ways of knowing and being can transform into something more malleable and constructive to work with. 

For instance, I am currently working on integrating reframes related to how I conceptualize anger, being witchy, sexuality, and sobriety, into my life that are based upon MY ontological worldview (i.e., how I perceive of existence, being, reality). Stated differently, I am working on accepting the totality of my existence exactly as it is by looking at all of the parts that make me who I am and deciding how I would like to move forward with this piece of me. It is about comforting and loving on those parts of me that I have banished to the dungeon in the past by deeming them just as worthy of being seen in the light of day. 

Living more in tune with the cosmos, I've come to notice the past few years that the summer sun shines a light on my shadows, illuminating all of the work I've been doing the rest of the year, as well as all the work I have left to transmute outdated patterns to be more fully aligned with my true self. Basically, it is a heavy shadow work period of time for me, and I am reminded that with more light comes more dense material to wade through. This year what is coming up for me are the aspects of myself I have repressed out of fear and shame of my edgy messy complexity being too 'unlady like'. I am also reminded of how guarded and closed off my heart can be when I am in self-protection and preservation mode, and yet coming to realize this also comes with the side effect of feeling a bit isolated and lacking proper nurturing at times. 

Learning that I have Chariklo and Black Moon Lilith in Leo during this Venus retrograde, it makes so much sense that these themes show up for me this time of year; holding space for my healing (Chariklo) by journeying into my dark parts that society deemed unworthy (Black Moon Lilith, Venus). At this time, the veil is thinner for me, and I am more easily able to answer the question honestly: well, what do I think about xyz? 

One of the ways I see my astrological birth chart most directly showing up in my life this summer is my participation in a trauma informed teacher training to learn mindfulness, meditation, and yoga techniques to help sexual trauma survivors especially heal our bodies (it's hard to get more Black Moon Lilith and Chariklo in Leo vibes than this). 

New Moon in Leo intention: inspired action towards creating a life that is full of glimmers by chasing what lights me up inside. 

In the past week I have had three of the most magical experiences, seeing 10 meteors at 11 pm, a family of beavers at 8pm, and watching the sunrise at 5am, all of which I would have otherwise missed if I had not gone out of my way to be there at the right moments. Admittedly, living in this world there is a lot that is beyond our control. Admittedly, sometimes I just have to get out of my own way a bit more to put myself in the right places at the right times, knowing that there is potentially a magical experience waiting for me on the other side. 

By living intuitively through listening to my inner Self, the power of a reframe comes quite naturally, I find. For instance, having a restless night? Catch the sunrise 🌅.  What a beautiful way to welcome Leo New moon energies into my life. It is through these little acts of taking my power back by controlling the narrative swirling around in my head that helps to build my self-empowerment one day at a time. 

With that, I ask you, what in your life can you reframe into a more empowering narrative for yourself?

Thanks for being here and taking the time to read. 
until next time, with Love, the DLB
