#51 "It makes sense that I'm this way": Super Bluemoon in Pisces Reflections

Pisces Blue Moon Quotes

"Surrender karma to divine source, you don't need to handle karma."

"Loving yourself free's you."

-Aquarius Blue Moon Reading, Rebel Wolf Healing 

"a premature lesson feels like a burden."

-Aquarius #333 Releasing Loved Ones..., Queen Amun Ra

Pisces Full Moon Themes

  • once in a blue moon
  • death and renewal 
  • endings are beginnings 
  • soul vibes > familial ties 
  • detaching from obligation to family of origin  
  • snakes: shedding layers
  • removing the mask 
  • epiphanies 
  • in it for the long haul > short term gratification
  • vivid dreams 
  • the calm before/after the storm 
  • releasing insecurities/self-limiting beliefs 
  • compassion 
  • flexibility 
  • turtle: flow at your own pace 
  • "Addiction plays a major role in the woman you'll become." - Astrologer Steve Dahmus in a personal reading for me in Feb 2023 


Some full/new moons are headier for me, and I want to find out all of the information on the planetary transits, and some of them are more embodied and I just want to intuitively bask in the celestial energies. For this Super Bluemoon in Pisces it was definitely an embodied one for me. Attending Janelle Monae's "Age of Pleasure" concert for date night on the day of the full moon transported me to another world. I have never been one for big crowds, but upon reflection, I realize that I need to embrace experiences outside of my comfort zone to fill my own cup to overflowing. 

That just maybe some of what has been missing throughout my life to feel fully satiated are transformative, once in a blue moon experiences that tickle my anxiety whilst taking my breath away. I keep seeing this quote circulating that makes the point that the work of healing is not to be able to handle more pain, us humans with trauma know how to handle pain, but the work is to help us to embrace more joy. I concur. One of the best things about working on my nervous system regulation and widening my window of tolerance is that for once in my life beautiful, magical, joyous moments are beginning to contain just as much meaningful depth as all of the painful one's associated with loss, heartache, and grief. 

As a Pisces rising and south node, I have a very paradoxical relationship to the Piscean celestial energies that bubble up in my life. Embodying my Virgo North node looks like creating a life I don't want to escape from anymore by living a life that is in line with my personal values. Embarking fully on my holistic wellness journey, I am learning that a big part of owning my values is to release shame and stigma by accepting all of who I am and where I have come from. An affirmation that I now whisper to myself at times when my trauma leads me to act in ways that are outside of my consciously chosen character is, "it makes sense that I'm this way." Feel free to give it a try yourself and let me know how it goes. 

It makes sense that I'm this way.

Compassion affirmations for intergenerational healing

  • Given xyz, it makes sense that I am this way. 
  • I understand, accept, and extend grace for all of the reasons I am the way that I am.
  • It makes sense that I'm this way (shortened version)

until next time, with Love, the DLB
