#57 The Dark-eyed Junco (Discernment through marching to the beat of one's own drum)

I've been thinking about Mercedes a lot lately and ran into the Dark-eyed Junco for the first time today. Mercedes is born in June, so it's clearly her making her presence known immediately as I entered into the pond. Known for marking the start of winter, it's ironic how I run into the fella as spring is rolling around. Today is the first 60-degree day of the year (I think), and the next few days will be close to 70 degrees. You see, (universal wink) your personal truth can be different than the "norm." 

I think this is fitting given that Dark-eyed Junco's are known for their free spirited nature, personal truth, and individuality. Admittedly, the ability to be open to others' opinions without self-abandoning one's truth is a bit easier said than done. Self awareness while maintaining an awareness of others. But it feels more attainable in my day to day when I remember that we are all here on our individual soul journeys. 

Initially, I thought of the words "clean slate" when I saw the Dark-eyed Junco's slate grey plumage, but now "discernment through marching to the beat of one's own drum" comes to mind. The only way to truly own your truth is to radically accept all of who you are and where you've been. Mercedes is a prime example of someone who did just that. I looked up where the moon placement is on the way down the hill and learned that it is in Gemini today. Again, how fitting, Mercedes' sun sign. Serendipity in real time. 4:44. (Big smile). Thank you for visiting me, Mercedes.

The sun hitting the backs of my thighs feels absolutely divine. 
